Petition to Expand the Alabama Irrigation Initiative Throughout Jackson County

The Jackson County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is seeking community support to expand the Alabama Irrigation Initiative to include all of Jackson County. Currently, the Initiative is watershed-based, limiting participation to areas within the Tennessee River watershed. We believe all farmers and landowners in our county could benefit from this program.


The Alabama Irrigation Initiative was launched by the Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee (ALSWCC) in partnership with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Auburn University, and the University of Alabama Huntsville.  Funded by the federal Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Program (Public Law 83-566), the initiative aims to increase the percentage of irrigated farmland in Alabama.  At six percent (6%) of harvested cropland under irrigation, Alabama is far behind neighboring states who average between thirty-five and sixty-five (35%-65%) percent irrigated cropland. 


Our request is based on the following considerations:

  1. Equal Opportunity:  We believe all farmers in Jackson County should have the opportunity to benefit from this important initiative.
  2. Economic Impact:  Jackson County's agricultural sector is a significant contributor to the state's economy. Expanding irrigation support could further enhance this contribution, potentially offering a strong return on investment for both the county and the state.
  3. Geographical Suitability:  The Guntersville Lake Watershed, which covers much of Jackson County, has topography and soil structures that appear well-suited for efficient irrigation systems. This could lead to increased crop production while promoting responsible water resource management.
  4. Climate Considerations:  Historically, Jackson County has experienced lower rainfall totals compared to other regions in the state. Expanded irrigation support could help our farmers mitigate this challenge and maintain consistent crop yields.

We are seeking the inclusion of the Guntersville Lake Watershed, as a sub-section of the Tennessee Watershed, for consideration in the planning, design and funding as part of the Alabama Irrigation Initiative. This expansion would support ALL farmers of Jackson County and potentially contribute to the overall success of the initiative across the state.

We invite county residents and landowners to sign a petition expressing their desire to see the entire county included in this initiative.  Your signature would indicate your support for access to irrigation planning and funding resources across Jackson County.  Petitions are available at the SWCD office, located at 2345 S Broad Street, Scottsboro.

“Irrigation is among the most effective risk management tools at a farmer’s disposal.”

Mitt Walker, Director of Governmental and Agricultural Programs, Alabama Farmers Federation (ALFA)

Contact us

For inquiries about state or federal cost-share programs or questions about AFO/CAFO registrations, please fill out the form below or contact us at (256) 574-1005 x 3 Monday thru Friday 7:30a to 4:00p.  Application and registration forms are available on the 'State and Federal Cost-Share Programs' tab.  


Jackson County Soil and Water Conservation District

2345 S Broad St, Suite A
Scottsboro, Alabama 35769-7520