Hugh Hammond Bennett, First Director, NRCS
It’s hard to imagine a time when the land was bleak. We are accustomed to driving roads bordered by fields of green, white, amber, and yellow; however, during the Dust Bowl era of the early 1930s, the land was devastated by an extended drought. With nothing to anchor it down, the soil was severely eroded — carried away with the wind. Farmers’ inability to grow food and fiber, coupled with the crash of our financial system, created a national crisis in all respects.
Meanwhile, a soil scientist ahead of his time, Hugh Hammond Bennett, was researching and writing extensively about erosion. In 1928 he wrote, “Soil erosion is the biggest problem confronting the farmers of the Nation over a tremendous part of its agricultural lands” (1). So, when it came time to convince national leaders to act, Bennett was the obvious choice. His expertise, combined with his showmanship, made him the perfect candidate to present the case to Congress to make conservation a national priority.
Bennett was successful in Washington D.C., and in 1935 the Soil Conservation Service was created. Now called the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), it named Bennett as its first director. Led by the federal government, conservation projects spread throughout the nation, but it was soon believed greater success would be achieved if conservation planning began on the local level. In 1937 President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent draft legislation to governors of all the states encouraging the formation of conservation districts. The Alabama Legislature adopted modified legislation in 1939 and established the Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee (ALSWCC) and local conservation districts.
Today, every state in the nation participates in conservation efforts through nearly 3,000 conservation districts.
From the Ground Up
We have a presence in all 67 Alabama counties. Locally led, nonregulatory entities authorized under state law known as soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs) are managed by District Administrative Coordinators (DACs) and a voluntary Board of Supervisors. We believe in conservation from the ground up. Districts assess conservation problems on the local level, set priorities, then coordinate and carry out appropriate programs, working hand-in-hand with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) NRCS. Additionally, our DACs conduct many educational programs to help students learn about good stewardship of our natural resources and hold community outreach events.
Private‐Public Partnership
You might be surprised to learn that 93 percent of the land in our natural-resource‐rich state is privately owned, not held by the government (2), and much of that land goes back generations in the same families. We work on a voluntary basis with private landowners to implement conservation practices on their land, creating a unique private‐public partnership. The guiding philosophy of SWCDs is that decisions about conservation issues should be made on the local level, by local people, with technical assistance and funding provided by the government. If you are a land user, contact your local conservation district and learn about resources available to you.
About Our State Agency
The Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee (ALSWCC) is an executive department of the State of Alabama created by statute in 1939. The mission of ALSWCC is to encourage conservation on private lands by:
- Supporting Soil and Water Conservation Districts in local conservation efforts
- Coordinating programs to conserve Alabama’s natural resources
- Securing the cooperation and assistance of Federal Partners on matters of conservation
- Educating about conservation throughout the state of Alabama
Local SWCDs are state entities located in each county who work locally through volunteer supervisors, landowners, and local staff to protect Alabama’s natural resources. The NRCS is the primary federal partner and provides America’s farmers and ranchers with financial and technical assistance to voluntarily put conservation on the ground, not only helping the environment but agricultural operations, too.
Private Lands …Public Benefits
ALSWCC, local SWCDs and NRCS work with the private landowners of Alabama to protect soil and water resources for the benefit of all citizens of Alabama. These working lands comprise 95% of our total acreage and produce much more than food and fiber. Public benefits include clean water, clean air, reforestation, wildlife habitat improvement, recreation and open space enhancements that contribute to the quality of life for all Alabama citizens
For nearly 80 years, the Soil and Water Conservation Committee has committed to conserving Alabama’s natural resources by connecting those who use and work the land to the education, technical know‐how, and resources they need.
We work to promote healthy soil, fishable and drinkable water, sustainable forests, and clean air to cultivate a prosperous farming industry and improve quality of life for all Alabama citizens.
Partners in Conservation
Alabama's SWCDs do not work alone. We work hand in hand with numerous state and federal agencies, businesses, nonprofits, trade organizations, and conservation focused groups. Together, we are committed to conserving Alabama's natural resources.
- USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee
- Alabama Association of Conservation Districts
- National Association of Conservation Districts
- Alabama Cooperative Extension System
- Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries
- Alabama Farmers Federation
- Alabama Forestry Association
- Alabama Forestry Commission
- Alabama Wildlife Federation
- Alabama RC&D Councils
- The Nature Conservancy
- Alabama Poultry & Egg Association
(1) Soil Erosion: A National Menace (1928)
(2) Natural Resources Inventory, USDA-NRCS